Grow, Sell & Eat Local!

The Durango Farmers Market is a venue for local agriculturalists and artisans to meet to share their harvests and talents with the Durango Community. We represent farmers, ranchers, gardeners, herbalists, and artists. The Durango Farmers Market also includes eateries that provide ready to enjoy treats, volunteer musicians, and a children’s education booth to allow customers to enjoy their morning at the Market while visiting and building community. We require that vendors at the Market be those who actually grow or produce their goods for sale. Our products must be grown or gathered within the surrounding five county region, ensuring our customers that our products are fresh and locally produced. At the Market you have the opportunity to meet face to face with the producers and learn more about their growing methods. We encourage producers to post their farming practices at their booth. The majority follow organic growing methods. The Durango Farmers Market participates in the Food Stamp program and strives to provide outreach to make healthy local foods available to everyone in our community. We believe the Durango Farmers Market provides an opportunity to strengthen community by promoting our ties to agriculture. We do this by supporting sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring the preservation of open space, educating consumers, reducing hidden costs associated with conventional food sources, and by supporting our local economy while providing healthy locally grown food that is fresh and delicious!

Durango Farmer Market Durango Farmer Market -

Location And Schedule:

259 West 8th Street, Durango, CO 80827
January - December Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, (rain or shine)

Payments Accepted:

Produce and Goods:

Other Farmers Markets In Park County, CO:

Buffalo Street Dillon, CO 80827