Home Grown Market On The Square
MILAN -- The Milan's Homegrown Farmer's Market on the Square is open every Wednesday from 2:30 – 6:30 pm at Rock Island County Extension, 321 West 2nd Ave. Milan, IL (across from the Milan post office). Dozens of local producers will be on site selling homegrown fruits, vegetables, plants and baked goods while local artisans will have a wide variety of charming handmade crafts. At this week's May 12th market you can enjoy samples and demonstrations of authentic Mexican cooking by Old Mexico Restaurant at 3:30 and 4:30 p.m., and University of Illinois Extension will be giving samples and recipes of Rhubarb crisp. You can also try Zumba, a popular new fitness craze that fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms with easy to follow moves to create a dynamic and fun workout. Milan Zumba instructors will give demonstrations at 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Milan Fusion will be on hand throughout the day offering samples and information about their nutrition supplement drinks. At 5:30, attend a free gardening class to discover how to plant Container Gardens that are both beautiful and delicious! At 6:45 pm learn everything you need to know about growing tomatoes and peppers – two of the most popular home grown vegetables. Come hungry! Doggie Styles Restaurant will be on hand throughout the day selling a variety of grilled foods. Bring the kids, children's activities are provided by Rock Island County 4-H. Next week at the Milan Market on May 19 – The 'Happy Dog' Bakery will be hosting a Best Dressed Pet Contest with prizes to the top three winners! Register your dog at 5:00, winner will be chosen at 5:30 p.m. Gardening class topic that night will be Planting Vegetable Transplants at 5:30 pm and Growing Eggplant and Okra at 6:45 pm.

Location And Schedule:
321 West 2nd Avenue, Milan, IL 61264