Taylorville Main Street - Farmer's Market
Taylorville Main Street is a not-for-profit volunteer based organization driven to enhance, cultivate, and promote a strong sense of community through the preservation and development of the downtown business district and improve the cultural, economic and historic benefits of business life in Taylorville.

Taylorville Main Street is a not-for-profit volunteer driven coalition representing the interests of Taylorville and its historic legacy. Taylorville Main Street is a not-for-profit volunteer driven coalition representing the interests of Taylorville and its historic legacy. The purpose is to ensure economic stability for the heart of Taylorville through historic preservation, communication, education, promotion, event production and economic revitalization.
Location And Schedule:
Downtown Taylorville, East side of Square, Taylorville, IL 62568
March - October Saturday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM