Indy Winter Farmers Market
The Indianapolis Winter Farmers Market provides a venue for directly connecting farmers and producers to Indianapolis area residents & visitors, enabling personal relationship in the exchange of vegetables, fruit, meat, baked goods, herbs, natural cleaning products and other locally produced food, garden and household products straight from the producer to the consumer. IWFM has 3 primary goals: - to provide a venue for Indiana's sustainably-minded family farms and small-batch/artisan food producers to sell their products, - to improve our community's access to local, fresh, nutritious food, - and to create an environment that raises awareness of how choices we make day to day affect our health, our communities, the environment and the economy. The IWFM supports family farms, encourages sustainable farmland preservation and urban agriculture, delivers seasonal & local product to Indianapolis residents, and raises awareness of social & environmental considerations related to food. The IWFM encourages local entrepreneurship, a growing food culture, social & environmental consciousness, and educational exchange toward the improvement of quality-of-life & quality-of-experience for Indianapolis residents & visitors.

Location And Schedule:
222 E Market St, West Wing, Indianapolis, IN 46204
January - April Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM November - December Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM