Fresh Promises Farmers Market
If you've been by the barn lately, you've noticed that we have siding up and it's painted red! Thank you to all the community volunteers and the contributing businesses that have helped us get so far! We're not done yet though... To complete the construction of the barn to occupancy, $132,000 needs to be raised. In kind donations can make up a part of this amount. The frame has been completed, the roof of the barn, concrete work, siding on the east and west, work continuing on the north and south sides. The next phase will be framing in and roofing the west addition. Second phase wil be electrical, sheetrock, and everything else needed to finish out the west addition. Please visit our Donate page to get involved or contact any of our board members.
Location And Schedule:
9200 Kill Creek Rd, De Soto, KS 66018
June - September Wednesday 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM