Grow, Sell & Eat Local!

Welcome to our online farmers market. At Farmer's Market Online, we provide "booth space" for growers, producers and artisans selling direct to the consumer. Set up much like an open-air farmers' market where vendors offer food, crafts, gifts, supplies, tools and more, our purpose is to provide a space where shoppers from around the world can meet, correspond and purchase products direct from the farm.

Farmers Market Online ~~ marketplace for farmers growers producers crafters artists and artisans selling direct to shoppers and consumers Farmers Market Online ~~ marketplace for farmers growers producers crafters artists and artisans selling direct to shoppers and consumers

Location And Schedule:

Skubitz Plaza, Fort Scott, KS 66701
May - October Tuesday 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Payments Accepted:

Produce and Goods:

Other Farmers Markets In Bourbon County, KS: