Phoenix Hill Nulu Farmers' Market
Mission Statement : Promote community organization, education and dissemination of information on issues of concern to the neighborhood Promote the continued development of Phoenix Hill, with attention to minimal resident displacement, deterioration of existing structures, assimilation of new developments, general physical blight and structural rehabilitation Enhance the environment through educational programs as well as the retention and development of civic, recreational, social, cultural and religious facilities and/or activities Encourage and promote the historic identity of Phoenix Hill as a neighborhood of mixed but compatible uses

Phoenix Hill Neighborhood Association Info The Phoenix Hill Neighborhood Association is active in the development of its vacant land and abandoned properties into sustainable, affordable single family homes. Also encompassed in our Phoenix Hill's Mission Statement is a pledge to keep the neighborhood diverse and local which is echoed with the rising of Nulu mercantile district.
Location And Schedule:
1007 E. Jefferson St., Louisville, KY 40206
May - October Tuesday 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM