St. Andrew Farmers Market
Welcome to the United Church of Christ—a community of faith that seeks to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. The UCC was founded in 1957 as the union of several different Christian traditions: from the beginning of our history, we were a church that affirmed the ideal that Christians did not always have to agree to live together in communion. Our motto—"that they may all be one"—is Jesus' prayer for the unity of the church. The UCC is one of the most diverse Christian denominations in the United State

St. Andrew UCC - Louisville If you are new to the St. Andrew community, we want to offer you an Extravagant Welcome. The members and friends of St. Andrew UCC welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, religious backgrounds, etc.
Location And Schedule:
2608 Browns Lane, Louisville, KY 40220
May - October Thursday 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM, (market open May 10 through October 25 rain or shine)