Downtown Jackson Grand River Farmers Market
Today there are nearly three hundred (300) active Downtown Development Authorities throughout Michigan. DDA's are enabled by Public Act 197 of 1975, as amended and operate as special purpose authorities appointed by local governing bodies to carry out specific tasks. These include the planning and improvement of downtown areas through the construction of a broad range of eligible public facilities (e.g. streetscape, utilities, parks, landscaping, pathways etc.) and assistance to developers in the improvement of real estate within the DDA's Development Area. OUR MISSION: The mission of the Jackson DDA is to encourage historic preservation, to create and implement development plans, to promote economic growth and to correct and prevent deterioration in the District. To ensure the effectiveness of the DDA, three advisory committees meet regularly to accomplish the mission of the DDA - the Promotions Committee, the Design Committee and the Economic Restructuring Committee.
Location And Schedule:
117 W. Louis Glick Hwy, Jackson, MI 49201
January - December Tuesday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, (Farmers may leave before 5pm depending on weather and stock)