Exeter Farmers Market
Since 1977, the Seacoast Growers Association (SGA) has provided the seacoast region of New Hampshire with a marketplace for fresh local produce, handcrafted goods, and homemade foods and beverages. From a humble beginning of several farmers cooperating to better market their goods, to its present form as a registered New Hampshire non-profit managing four area Farmers’ Markets, including over fifty vendors, the organization has maintained its goal and values. And we’re still growing! As an organization, we believe that reliance on imported foods and crafts is unsustainable, potentially dangerous to the local economy, and negatively impacts the culture of the region. As such, we seek to provide consumers on the seacoast of New Hampshire with a marketplace for the best local goods available. To this end, the organization manages markets in Portsmouth, Durham, Dover, and Exeter, providing a seacoast source of fresh local goods nearly every day of the week. At-market, demonstrations, workshops and entertainment make going to market an experience for the senses, for individuals and families of all ages. Certified organic foods are available. We welcome applications from farmers, artisans and craftspeople of all business sizes and occupations. Our vendors must be located in Rockingham, Strafford or York (Maine) counties and are periodically audited by the organization to ensure that products sold at SGA markets are locally grown, raised, or crafted, and are of the highest quality. For more information about becoming a vendor is available on the page Resources.

Location And Schedule:
Swasey Parkway, Exeter, NH 03833