Sanbornton Farmer's Market
Purpose To promote interest in and understanding of the history and development of the Town of Sanbornton. To Collect and preserve historical material including antiques, histories, newspapers, manuscripts, diaries, letters, account books, maps, documents, photographs, and whatever may relate to the life, conditions, and activities of the Town of Sanbornton and the State of New Hampshire. To organize and preserve such historical material, and to make it available for study, particularly by the inhabitants of the Town of Sanbornton. To locate, preserve, and mark historical sites and places of public interest in the Town of Sanbornton. To disseminate information on the history and development of New Hampshire and particularly the Town of Sanbornton, by holding public meetings for such purposes, and by publication of historical articles.
Location And Schedule:
Route 132, Sanbornton, NH 03269
June - October Friday 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, (Opens Last friday of June and closes first friday of October)