Grow, Sell & Eat Local!

SFGM is committed to providing you with fresh, local produce. On our website you can look up the time and location of each market as well as find tips, recipes and information about what in-season fruits and vegetables will be available each week.

Sandhills Farmers' Green Market

Location And Schedule:

3395 Airport Rd, Pinehurst, NC 28374
April - May Tuesday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, (April 24 - May 8, 2012, on pause during hot summer months, resumes August 21 - September 25, 2012) August - September Tuesday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, (April 24 - May 8, 2012, on pause during hot summer months, resume

Payments Accepted:

Produce and Goods:

Other Farmers Markets In Moore County, NC:

170 Memorial Drive, Pinehurst; Morganton Road, Southern Pines Pinehurst, NC 28374

Morganton Road sports complex lot Carthage, NC 28327