Easton Farmers Market
They have more variety, they often offer organic produce, they are cheaper, and they support your local economy. What's not to love? You can taste the difference! Produce is picked ripe and sold that day. You can meet the farmers who grow your food, ask when it was picked, how it was grown, and ways to prepare it. You’ll find unusual varieties of fruits and vegetables – those bred for flavor, not for ability to travel and size uniformity. Growing a larger number of varieties is ecologically smart too because it reduces crops’ vulnerability to disease. Farmers markets put more money in the farmers’ pockets. Buying locally grown produce encourages regional farming. If farming were more widespread, we could save fuel and resources spent on long distance shipping and reduce our over-dependence on a handful of growing regions that may not be able to produce high yields indefinitely. When produce is grown and purchased locally, the money remains in the community and stimulates the local economy.

Location And Schedule:
160 Easton Town Center, Columbus, OH 43219
June - August Thursday 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM