Grow, Sell & Eat Local!

Why don’t you eat healthy? Is it because you don’t like the taste or is it because of the cost? Sometimes it’s a little bit of both Column A and B. However, eating healthy can be much more pleasant than you realize so stick to it and learn more about the healthy diet here.

Location And Schedule:

Rts. 212/412, Springtown, PA 18055

Payments Accepted:

Produce and Goods:

Other Farmers Markets In Bucks County, PA:

700 E. Butler Ave Doylestown, PA 18901

State and Hamilton Streets Doylestown, PA 18901

201 Station Road Quakertown, PA 18951

Route 611 & Street Road Warrington, PA 18976

S. Hamilton St. and W. State St. Doylestown, PA 18901