Ebenezer Lutheran Church Farmers Market
Ebenezer is the Hebrew word meaning "Stone of Help." (1 Samuel 7:12). This was, indeed, an appropriate name for a place of worship for the Lutherans who formed this congregation in Columbia in 1830. The original house of worship, rebuilt in 1870 after destruction by fire, was restored and rededicated in 1993 as the Ebenezer Chapel. The present church on the corner of Richland and Sumter Streets was built in 1931. Completed during the Great Depression, it serves as a bold witness of God's faithful support of His people. If you are interested in the full history of our church, an excellent book on the matter is available from the church office. It’s called Stone of Help, A History of Ebenezer Lutheran Church. Harold F. Park, editor of Stone of Help, writes in the foreword... "History is HIS-story, the story of the living God interacting with people in this world. Thus a history of Ebenezer Lutheran Church not only recounts the actions of the people of this congregation, but also reflects the presence and actions of God in and through them. It is the story of the immortal, invisible, all wise God living and acting in mortal, visible, fallible human beings." Our Mission Reaching out to draw others to Christ. Ebenezer’s Guiding Principles: 1) We place Jesus first in all that we do. 2) We share Christ wherever we are. 3) We welcome a diversity of believers and skeptics to experience Christ with us. 4) We seek to deepen our faith and discipleship 5) We embrace the gifts of each and all. Our Facilities When selecting a church home, we all know that there are a lot of factors that come into play. The denomination, the location, the pastor, the friendliness of the congregation, the helpfulness of the church staff, the availability of youth programs ... even the church website can play a role. The beauty and facilities of a church may also influence the decision making process. Ebenezer has been richly blessed with a beautiful, spacious facility in the heart of downtown Columbia. Our facilities are large enough to accommodate a wide variety of social and community events, but yet small enough to be warm, friendly and comfortable. In fact, we think we’re the perfect size ... and a perfect fit for anyone looking for a new church home.

Location And Schedule:
1301 Richland Street, Columbia, SC 29201